Friday, February 1, 2013

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the expenditure, the cost of the wars in iraq and afghanistan cover in the next year will be a total of nearly 200 billion dollars, according to the white house budget request to Congress will take next week, so that in 2008 the most expensive year of the current conflicts in the. The object was first reported by the Los Angeles times, the unnamed officials cited the pentagon. the Bush Government has said beginning this yearCheap ugg boots , it would be $ 147.5 billion for the fiscal year 2008, but require the assessments raised by another $ 47 billion. This request is in addition to nearly half a billion annual budget of the pentagonugg winter boots , that omits the war spending, but to cover costs incurred, including education, wage and salary lists and weapons blame: the massive increase in troops and production of new equipment, including mine-resistant truck. the $ 195 billion price tag would be a percentage increase of around the 12th of $ 173 billion in fiscal year 2007 winslow wheeler, senior fellow at the Center for Defense Information and a former Republican congressional budget aide, told the Los Angeles times that the iraq war for months (in addition to cost, including as embassy expenses in Baghdad and cia operations) and currently taxpayer costs 12 billion dollars , and the cost increase will take place as incremental approved troop strength the course of the coming year. "Everybody predicts declines, but they have not taken place," Wheeler said of the times. "It all depends on what happens in Iraq, but so far it has continued to get bloodier and more expensive." Secretary of defense robert m. Gates and other officials are expected to present their request to the senate on Wednesday. in the year 2004, the cost conflicts in iraq and afghanistan together $ 94 billionth these costs rose to 108 billion in the year 2005 and $ 122 millionUGG Slipper Coquette estimates .000 published in the years 2006 congressional budget office in this week's long-term cost of the deployment of troops in Iraq, and said that if the us a long-term presence (maintain as President Bush in his speech struck the nation last week ) would be even a minimal force of 55,000 troops in a peacekeeping role cost $ 25 billion per year. The report says the troops adhere to established military bases and outside the protected struggle would cost at about $ 10 billion dollars per year to cut, with additional cost of $ 8 billion euros for the construction of bases or additional equipment. senate budget committee chairman Kent Conrad, dn.d. asked for the study after President Bush likened the future america in iraq to the peacekeeping role-playing us troops in South Korea, where they stationed for about five decades. mr. Bush announced his intention, a force to hold 100,000 to 130,000 soldiers on Iraqi soil until the end of his term of officeMoncler jacket men , and was "dead certain," in a new book, with the words that he hoped his successor would later quoted "comfortably on Maintaining a presence" in the war-torn country from. a four-decades-long presence in Iraq, mimicking our presence in South Korea, would top $ 1 billion dollarwww.monclersherren.combased on the cbo estimates. © 2009 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. the associated press contributed to this report. david morgan david morgan is senior editor at and

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